About Keri

My Story

I started my riding career in elementary school when my parents bought me a 2 year old halter-broke POA named Sport. He was beautiful and flashy and didn’t know anything about riding. At that point neither did it! Sport and I worked with a trainer and learned to ride very slowly. He probably wasn’t the best choice for a child’s pony, but he was beautiful and taught me a lot of horses.

I came back to riding when I was a graduate student at Vanderbilt. This time, I purchased a 17 year old 17 hand Appaloosa named Bandit who did it all. He was a kind and patient horse that was really very effortless in any discipline. Bandit was a great choice for me at the time, but even when I bought Banidt, I knew I wanted to work with a green thoroughbred.

Several years after Bandit, I started casually “not looking” for a horses through thoroughbred rescues. While I “wasn’t looking” I found Jackie. A beautiful bay thoroughbred that had 6 months on retraining. Not long after that, he was mine. He was quirky, sensitive, and forward (everything Bandit was not). We had more challenging days than easy ones. Everyday I met him where he was and we formed a great partnership. Jackie taught me that I can do almost anything and inspired me to fulfill my dream of purchasing my own barn where I could share the love of horses and riding with other.

In 2020 I founded Birdsong Farm where we put horse’s best interest at the heart of riding. I believe that excellent care, patience, dedication, and love for the animals and sport make for a great environment where riders can have fun and achieve their goals. I am so thrilled to open Birdsong Farm to other riders that share those values.